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1. 館內請勿奔跑、吸菸、嚼食口香糖、檳榔等
2. 展場不開放外食內用 (飲水除外)。非進駐店家區域範圍,僅開放飲用館內店家銷售之飲品。影廳內開放外食,除氣味重之食物
3. 請勿攜寵物入館(導盲犬執行公務除外)
4. 請勿攜帶危險物品入館
5. 館內提供投幣式寄物箱服務
6. 作品除特殊聲明外,同意在不使用閃光燈、腳架及自拍棒之情況下適度開放拍照
7. 請勿觸碰及破壞展示品或設施。如因人為造成損壞,需負相關賠償責任
8. 請勿在館內穿著輪鞋或使用滑板、滑步車、腳踏車。腳踏車請依序放置於園區步道車架
9. 請勿於公共空間進行商業行為
Neiwei Arts Center Visitor Notice
1. Please do not run, smoke, chew betel nuts or gum etc..
2. Do not bring takeout food or drink to the art center, except Neiwei Cinema.(Smelly food not included)
3. No pets except guide dogs.
4. No dangerous substances in the art center.
5. Coin lockers are available.
6. Unless otherwise specified, photography without the use of flash and tripods is allowed.
7. Please do not touch or damage exhibits or facilities. Man-made damages shall bear the relevant compensation responsibility.
8. Roller blade, skateboard, scooter and bicycle are prohibited in the art center. Please park bikes at the bike parking facilities along the sidewalk outside the art center.
9. No commercial activities in the art center.
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